Russian President Vladimir Ready To Invade Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded and won his Parliament's approval on Saturday for the right to invade former Russian territory Ukraine. 

Ukraine Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk, fled Ukraine and said that any type of military actions from Russia would most certainly lead to war. The Russian Troops have already seized the the isolated peninsula of Crimea.

Ukraine's acting president oleksandr Turchynov took to the airwaves late Saturday to warn that any Russian military intervention would lead to war and said that his country was ready to immobilize its forces to protect strategic locations, including nuclear power plants.

In Kiev, Ukraine's capital city, hundreds of Ukrainians descended on the square chanting "Glory to the heroes, Death to the occupiers."

The recent events have ravaged the country of 46 million people, and its leaders who took power in a nation on the verge of bankruptcy when Yanukovich fled Kiev last week after his police killed scores of anti-Russian protestors in Kiev. 

The crisis in Ukraine began in November when Yanukovich abandoned a free trade pact with the EU for closer ties with Russia. -EE


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