Dear People who spent money or plan to spend money on the new Robocop film,
Drinking ether again huh?
I would be more excited to see a sock puppet version of Annie. I'll bet you also watched the remake of Judge Dredd and Total Recall and thought that those were totally awesome!
When you go get your psyche meds next time, make sure you tell them to either remove or lower the dosage, because if you have the mindset to be entertained by a remade version of a half-cop, half-human film you should be locked away...hell it should be considered a crime.
Yea, as soon as you show up to the theater and say one for Robocop, you should immediately be attacked by a bengal tiger.
Just the fact that I have to watch a preview during the SuperBowl for this film makes me lose a little faith in society, and because of people like you, we have to consume the feces that Hollywood drops on us yearly because of the success of stupid remakes like these.
Why don't you go antagonize a retarded hippo?
Emil Elm
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